Kaleidoscope to Attend Upcoming HFES Conference

March 22, 2019

Representatives from Kaleidoscope Innovation will attend the 2019 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, March 24 – 27 in Chicago. We encourage you to join us!

The symposium “offers cutting-edge presentations, posters and workshops on emerging issues in healthcare human factors and the challenges facing us in the near future.”

Kaleidoscope team members attending the conference include Director of Insights & Human Factors Valerie Fenster and Business Development Manager Matt Suits.

Fenster’s career includes a variety of Human Factors leadership roles at companies such as Amgen and Abbott. Her depth of expertise contributes to Kaleidoscope’s ability – as a full-service insights, design and development firm – to provide Human Factors support at any stage of the product development process. The Kaleidoscope Human Factors team looks at the whole picture: the device, the product labeling, promotional material and more, ensuring the entire system works end-to-end for the intended user, use and use environment.

“As a company, Kaleidoscope is constantly learning and growing so that we can continue to provide even greater services for our business partners,” said Suits. “We have a solid team of incredibly talented Human Factors professionals as part of our full-spectrum service offerings, and are excited to learn even more about current best practices.”

We welcome anyone coming to the conference to say hello to our team! Let’s get in touch.

LET’S MEET UP > msuits@kascope.com
CHECK OUT THE CONFERENCE > https://www.hfes.org/events/2019international-symposium-on-human-factors-and-ergonomics-in-health-care

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